The Office of the University Ombudsperson promotes an inclusive and collaborative campus community by providing informal, independent, impartial, and confidential* conflict management services to all employees of the university. This office provides a safe, off-the-record space to share concerns on a broad range of workplace issues. When an employee visits the office, the University Ombudsperson will: listen fully, value diverse perspectives and individual needs, help clarify issues and goals, explore options for resolution, provide information and referrals, and provide informal mediation or group facilitation when appropriate. Ombudsperson services support 香港六合彩现场开奖’s mission to provide an inclusive working environment that values diversity, promotes a humane and ethical working and learning climate, and supports the whole person when exploring options for resolution.

*Confidentiality cannot be promised in matters relating to threats to public safety, child abuse or neglect, vulnerable adults, if there is imminent risk of serious harm, or if compelled by law.


Sue Theiss

University Ombudsperson
