Faculty Fellows

The Center for Business Ethics Faculty Fellows Program provides financial and administrative support to 香港六合彩现场开奖 faculty members engaged in original projects, including research, course development and other co-curricular initiatives, which address themes related to the study of business ethics, corporate responsibility and the role of business in society, broadly construed. The Faculty Fellows Program is designed to support faculty projects across academic units, disciplines and methodologies.

The Center seeks applications for up to three Faculty Fellows each year. Applications are due May 1 for the following academic year. A detailed description of the program, expectations, and application procedures can be found here: CBE Faculty Fellows Call.

Further inquiries can be directed to Jeffery Smith, Director of the Center for Business Ethics, at smitjeff@seattleu.edu or (206) 296-5714.


Current Fellows

Past Fellows

Photo of Xin Zhao, Ph.D

Xin Zhao, Ph.D

Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Phone: 206-220-8028

Building/Room: SINE 220-02