Odds and Ends

April 21, 2015

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There's lots of Jesuit stuff in the air these days. Here's just a few news items as well as some opportunities to engage with Jesuit higher education and Ignatian spirituality and service.

Intentional service! Are you over 50 years young and looking for a transformative way to engage in service? Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps (JV EnCorps), an ecumenical program of JVC Northwest, might be just what you're looking for. JVC EnCorps is a multifaceted opportunity for value-centered service, community and spiritual formation for older adults committed to social and ecological justice. 

During their 10 months of part-time volunteer service, participants meet together regularly in community, deepen their spirituality and explore the values of simple living and social and ecological justice. The priority application deadline is June 30. For more information, call (206) 305-8911 or visit  to apply.

For(e) the Greater Glory of God: There's your Jedi masters...and then there's your Jesuit-educated masters. Thanks to Pat Howell, S.J., distinguished professor in the Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture, for bringing it to our attention that 2015 Masters Champion Jordan Spieth is a graduate of Jesuit College Preparatory School in Dallas. Articles on Spieth's Jesuit connection can be found at  and , the latter of which includes a handwritten note he wrote to a donor who provided funding for a scholarship Spieth received while attending the school.  

Join the conversation. By now you should have received a copy of the latest " " magazine. The spring edition includes among other features an article by Tom Lucas, S.J., professor of art and rector of the Arrupe Jesuit community, on "The Spiritual Exercises and Art." Readers will also recognize the icon from our chapel that graces the magazine's cover. 

The Office of Jesuit Mission and Identity is hosting a conversation on the magazine, "The Spirituality of a University: What Difference Does It Make?" from noon to 1:15 p.m. on Monday, May 4, noon-1:15 p.m., in Hunthausen 110. The discussion will include Darrell Goodwin, dean of students; Camille Kammer, Class of 2015 history major; Brooke Rufo-Hill, director of Magis: Alumni Living the Mission; and Christina Roberts, associate professor of English and director of Women and Gender Studies. A light lunch will be served. To RSVP, please e-mail jesuitidentity@seattleu.edu.

Day of Service: Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÏÖ³¡¿ª½±'s Alumni Association and Magis: Alumni Living the Mission invite you to serve in this year's fourth annual National Jesuit Alumni Day of Service on Saturday, April 25. Join Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²ÊÏÖ³¡¿ª½± alumni and alumni of other Jesuit colleges and universities in fulfilling our shared Jesuit mission, which is rooted in service, by participating in a volunteer project at one of several service sites. Learn more and . 

In case you missed it…Our very own Dave Anderson, S.J., and Frank Case, S.J., who previously served in many capacities at SU, were  for their respective roles as chaplains for the SU and Gonzaga men's basketball teams.