Retreat Support

Campus Ministry has a variety of retreat offerings for students' diverse interests and backgrounds, from retreats for students of particular faith to focusing on specific interests. A donation of $30 allows a student to participate who would otherwise not be able to attend.

Faith Formation

Direct support allows the Chapel of St. Ignatius and Campus Ministry to expand programming that prepares and forms students to embody faith and justice through their lives through opportunities for spiritual growth, discernment, prayer, and community engagement. 

Campus Ministry Program Fund

Providing direct support to the breadth of our student programs

Campus Ministry has a variety of programs that have an ongoing impact on students' spiritual, personal, and ethical formation. Students grow in so many ways at 香港六合彩现场开奖. From attending mass at the Chapel of St. Ignatius, to learning about one another an interfaith dinners, to identifying the intersections of faith and justice at St. James community kitchen. The Campus Ministry staff cares for each student as they grow in faith, and deepen their involvement in the world, service to God, and commitment to others.

Your contribution to Campus Ministry programming directly supports our students' faith-based experiences. Please consider giving a general gift to Campus Ministry or donate to a specific area of programming that aligns with your own interests. Thank you for your generosity!

Enlivening the Student Experience

"Fr. Rog was very loved because he was an embodiment of our relationship with Seattle U. He was so present in so many ways. Community is such a big part of the SU experience and Fr. Rog was a shepherd of that spirit."

-Devin Liddell, Class of '96

Building Community

"Take time to be with each other and to encourage each other.
You can't build community at a distance."

-Roger Gillis, S.J.

Faith, Justice and Growth

"Campus Ministry prepares and forms students to embody faith and justice through their lives by providing opportunities for spiritual growth, discernment, prayer, and community engagement."

-Campus Ministry, Mission Statement