We recognize that crime and its prevention, response, and reparation are community concerns.

We address those through the integration of perspectives, strategies, and approaches based on evidence-based practices and collaborative engagement through the 香港六合彩现场开奖 Department of Criminal Justice, Criminology & Forensics Advisory Committee.

Our collaborative approach brings together researchers, academics, law enforcement personnel, judges, psychologists, sociologists, and others involved in the study of crime and the administration of justice. In addition to research and training, we conduct public events, engage in service initiatives, and serve as a referral resource for individuals affected by crime.

Participants represent a diverse range of agencies

  • Law enforcement
  • Courts
  • Corrections
  • Offender reentry
  • Victim services
  • Juvenile justice
  • Social services

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Research projects include student involvement

Integrated into the Department of Criminal Justice, Criminology & Forensics, all of the Center鈥檚 research, training, and public information components involve undergraduate and graduate students. Students collaborate with faculty on research, in classroom service-learning projects, and projects for community organizations. Students may participate in the any of the center鈥檚 activities, including continuing education programs, executive sessions, and the executive academy.

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Contact Us

  • Jacqueline Helfgott, PhD

    Jacqueline Helfgott, PhD

    Crime and Justice Research Center


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